Drawings and Sketches
The Crimson Dragon was created after this rough original concept sketch I doodled on notebook paper several months before I ever found time to create the final image in Fireworks.

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The upper right thumbnail, "Dragon Slayer", is of a pen and ink drawing (shaded with press-on halftone screens for offset printing) done in the mid '70's. It was created for the cover of a handbook way back when I was designing for print (before personal computers and the WWW). I hung onto the original all these years, so I dug it out, dusted it off and scanned it to add to the site.
The Pegasus at the right was created in brushed ink back around 1972. I had forgotten all about it until my sister-in-law found it in her attic in 2000, and sent it to me. It had yellowed badly and silverfish had munched on it. But through the magic of scanning and digital retouching, I've brought it back to its original condition and added it to the site.
There will be more dragons and other artwork to come. There's much more to see at Dragon Fantasy.com, so please visit the rest of the site, and come again soon.

Artwork by Fred Hurteau

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Fred Hurteau and may not be copied or used without written consent of the author.